
Linguistic mysteries solved

The female equivalent of a 'misogynist' (misandrist)
Are there any other English words with three consecutive sets of double letters besides 'bookkeeper'? (not without a hyphen)
Is there a unisex word for cows/bulls? (bovine)
What does bimonthly really mean? (both every two months and twice a month: but really, semimonthly should be used to mean twice a month)
Is 'deliverables' a real word? (yes, although recent)
Once, twice, thrice, ...? (there're no words continuing this series)
Primary, secondary, tertiary, ...? (quaternary, quinary, senary, septenary, octonary, nonary, denary!)
What's the difference between a 'street' and a 'road'? (road is general, street is has a more restricted meaning, typically an urban setting with buildings along it)
What's the opposite of 'exceed'? (there's none yet, but 'deceed' might be a candidate)
Is there a word with five vowels in a row? (yes, 'queueing', but this is often 'queuing' in American English)

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