
Google Voice on RPi with Incredible PBX

While poking around for Skype on RPi info, I also checked Google Talk.  It seems that video encoding is beyond the modest capabilities of the RPi, but there's already a voice application ported to the RPi called Incredible PBX.  There are a couple versions of this software for the RPi: Incredible Pi and RasPBX.  The original version of Incredible PBX used Google Voice to provide the phone number; I haven't checked into it enough to know if that's still the case.

Incidentally, Google has a page for developers on Talk, which includes information about how it uses XMPP and their extensions for voice.

As an aside, the Google Talk dev page links to the XMPP extensions page, which has proposals for IoT applications including sensors and such.

Skype on RPi

I was curious if there was a way to get Skype running on the Raspberry Pi--as a way of cobbling together a video call box.  Apparently it's possible to make voice calls (with the original forum post) using the binaries in the Skype developer's kit ($5 fee required), but there's no video support.  Somewhat of a bummer, but not entirely unexpected.  Perhaps Google Chat will come out with video support for the RPi since Microsoft has little incentive to port Skype video.


Laptop Refresh Dump

Normally I keep a bunch of tabs open in Firefox.  Well, today I have to turn in my laptop for the refresh at work, which prompted this link dump.

Broadband Amateur Radio Mesh Networks (HSMM-MESH)
VentureBeat article on mesh networks
(Well, I ought to write that post for BetterOffBitcoin, which I've been putting off....)
Article on how to use Bitcoin to set up an anonymous, self-sustaining website
Lumo Back, a device to help improve one's posture
Automatic, a vehicle telemetry-type device
Funky house blueprints via Wired (this has been in my browser for almost half a year...)
What to do when the Feds usurp power
Knowledge Weighs Nothing's bug-out bag checklist
The ATF's proposed rule change on NFA entities via the Federal Register
Survival Resources, a funky prepper store