
Link Dump, 2012.07.23

Since I found out that Firefox really sux the CPU cycles--although I don't know if that's due to Ajax or not--I need to clear some tabs.  The problem is, I usually forget that I cleared them, and never get back to them.  But I suppose if it didn't come up again, that's ok.

What your defensive gun says about you (When the Balloon Goes Up) - amusing...and startlingly insightful
Basic Gunshot Wound Kit (guns, cars, & tech) - could save your life
CJ GLS [Wikipedia][site] - a Korean shipping company that I was looking into as an alternative to the Greek ones
Hanjin Shipping [site] - another Korean shipping company
What is wrong with the world? (Write Science) - scientists (and engineers) need to learn to communicate better and teach laymen the importance of their work
The M1 Garand for Homeland Defense (some gun forum) - of course I'd rather have an M14, but they're way more expensive...
The Poor Man's Guide to Survival Gear (Alt-Market) - married men are economically poor


High-Yield Energy Stocks

A while ago I was looking for energy stocks paying out big dividends, and came across a couple sites [1] [2] that listed a few.  This was before I found out how to search Google Finance for dividend yield.  Still, every once in a while these sorts of lists are interesting to go through.


M16 PM Comic

1001th post!  Well...not all of them were public.

On one of the usual gunblogs, probably SayUncle, there was a link to a vintage comic on how to do proper preventative maintenance on the M16A1.  Sweet!  They should totally reprint this.  I'd buy a copy just for the novelty!


HK-91 Miscellany

Numrich's website can be difficult to navigate, so here are the HK-91 and HK-93 pages.  I want to get the G3 schematic poster!

Also of interest is the Command Arms AR-15 stock adapter for 91-pattern rifles, available at Apex.  I didn't see it on their webpage, so I presume they discontinued it, like Smith Enterprise discontinued the Vortex for the 91.  TAPCO makes a plastic one, but I want metal.  ACE apparently makes an aluminum adapter, but I've read that it can't be used with the standard buffer, whereas the CAA one uses the standard recoil spring assembly.



The wife was asking me if Babolat was a public company, so I looked into it.  The official site doesn't really say, and other search results turned up responses that it's a privately-held company.

Except when I put "Babolat" into Google Finance, a Japanese company called Descente turned up.  The company profile was from Reuters, and states that Descente makes Babolat products.  The Descente website has almost nothing on Babolat in English, except one line in the history, but the Japanese page has mention of the French brand started in 1875.

So the question is whether or not to invest in Descente.  The French company likely retains the brand rights, and could switch manufacturers should they see fit.  Plus, it's hard to analyze financials of overseas companies that don't have the same accounting practices that the U.S. has.  But nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?


Logan Stanton

At work I got ahold of a Logitech C910 webcam, and noticed the cutie on the box.  So I consulted the interwebz and found out that her name is Logan Stanton, a former UFC ring girl.  I dig the half-Asian thing, but is this what she's resorted to, post-UFC...?

Blogger Problems Again

"Your browser is no longer supported by Blogger. Some parts of Blogger will not work and you may experience problems.   If you are having problems, try Google Chrome."

Eat me.