Since I found out that Firefox really sux the CPU cycles--although I don't know if that's due to Ajax or not--I need to clear some tabs. The problem is, I usually forget that I cleared them, and never get back to them. But I suppose if it didn't come up again, that's ok.
What your defensive gun says about you (When the Balloon Goes Up) - amusing...and startlingly insightful
Basic Gunshot Wound Kit (guns, cars, & tech) - could save your life
CJ GLS [Wikipedia][site] - a Korean shipping company that I was looking into as an alternative to the Greek ones
Hanjin Shipping [site] - another Korean shipping company
What is wrong with the world? (Write Science) - scientists (and engineers) need to learn to communicate better and teach laymen the importance of their work
The M1 Garand for Homeland Defense (some gun forum) - of course I'd rather have an M14, but they're way more expensive...
The Poor Man's Guide to Survival Gear (Alt-Market) - married men are economically poor
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