
News, 2005.03.28

Wired News
TSA Work Sloppy, but Not Illegal: Just because something's not illegal doesn't mean it's not wrong. This is criminal negligence, and it's being perpetuated by our government. These are the people who would presume to say that they know what's best for you and the U.S., and have the arrogance and impudence to assert such. Well, the reality is, they're incompetent.
IRS May Tax Your eBay Sales: Theoretically, the government has the capability to tax everything, e.g. all earnings. (Of course illegal earnings aren't likely to be reported, are they?) Most states have a "use tax" whereby if you purchase an item via the Internet, or by phone, etc., you are obligated to declare this on your State taxes and pay a percentage. One reason this is bogus is that retailers are rebated some of sales tax to cover infrastructure costs of collecting. So people are expected to keep their own records and spend their own time collecting this money for the state? Not friggin' likely!! When they pay people for time spent on taxes, possibly it's worth considering maybe thinking about it in a distant, unlikely sort of way. Anyway, if the tax law is so complicated that normal people can't figure it out, then it's at least in some ways morally wrong. Just keep in mind that if you pull a H.D. Thoreau and commit "civil disobedience" that you have to be willing to put up with the consequences: Thoreau was jailed for failing to pay taxes. Hey, the IRS is a bunch of Mafia thugs who have the law on their side.
It's Not Graffiti, It's Grafedia: So uh, why doesn't anyone think that graffiti is wanton property damage? How would these punks like it if someone decided to spraypaint crap all over their apartment or house? For instance, "I am a gay graffiti 'artist'—please abuse me hard." Well, like the article says, it doesn't have to be spraypaint, but who wants the impermanence of sidewalk chalk? Original graffiti might've been territorial, but artistic graffiti is no good if it's erased before someone sees it.
PSP Launch Powered by Publishers: Hmm, are those second-generation devices? Maybe I should've waited until the bugs got worked out....

FCC unplugs states' rules on 'naked' DSL
Pez to dispense MP3s instead of candy
Trading places: Real estate instead of dot-coms: The upcoming real estate dot-com crash? People are taking the wrong approach toward real estate. The point is that value appreciates when expansion occurs, so speculation should occur prior to that point. Otherwise it's likely to be overvalued when one buys. It should be another indicator of the fragility of the field in that Fannie Mae (and to a lesser extent Freddie Mac) aren't doing too well right now. Fannie Mae's stock (FNM) is off 40% compared to a year ago because of inflated accounting. There's only so much money people are willing to pay for housing. Some people are making money, but a lot more are getting fleeced—and they don't know it yet.
Trillian IM flaw exposed: When are dufus programmers going to start checking their buffers for overflow conditions?! Amateurs.
All the news that robots pick: Sometimes there's no substitute for the filtering and classification capabilities of a flesh and blood human being.

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