
Brain Sex

That's not as funky as it sounds. Americans are so overly sensitized to the word "sex" that they erroneously substitute "gender" when they mean "sex". Sex, aside from the act of copulation, refers to the physical characteristic differences between males and females of a species (at least when a species has two sexes). Gender is the role that a particular sex plays, and is largely psychological, but is also cultural and invariably somewhat linked to the physiological sex.

So a homosexual male who is always the femme and has nurturing instincts could truthfully answer on a form that asks for "gender" that he is "female".

But that's beside the point. Gina Lynn's Wired blog has a link to this Brain sex test on the BBC. I haven't checked it out yet, but after hearing about one of my coworkers taking such a test and coming up 80% female (although he's male), I wonder how I stack up. That I don't like football counts against me, but that I like weapons makes me more masculine than the preponderance of wimpy Americans who don't like guns.

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