
Articles from 9/12

A couple interesting articles that I'd like to recall:

The Six Dumbest Ideas in Computer Security - Very good security advice

What would you put in a Computer Science Curriculum?
- A prime quote:
As for the author's distinction between "computer science" and "software engineering", well, I'm sorry but I really don't think someone who can whack and hack a server-side PHP application is a "software engineer". A software engineer, by my definition, is someone who owns and has read Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming", knows who Edsger Dijkstra was (and can pronounce his name correctly), can define the difference between a binary and counting semaphore, and can tell me why Java and C++ are generally bad ideas for use in high-reliability, hard real-time systems. A real software engineer, in my opinion, should also know the difference between a waterfall and a spiral, and what IEEE 12207 is (DO-178B is a bonus, but I don't hold out much hope for ever seeing that on the resumes I get).

Whoa, that's hard-core! One has to have a lot of spare cash to buy Knuth's encyclopedic work, and a lot of perseverence to read the encyclopedia. But that's the spirit—those kinds of people are what we're missing now.

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