

Well, I've had a motion sensor sitting around for at least a year, unused because I couldn't get it to work with HomeGenie.  Turns out I was just overlooking a comment in the settings to associate the device with group 1, as noted in an archived forum post.  (Yeah, I could use SmartThings instead of a roll-my-own system, but I figure it'll be harder for people to futz with an oddball config.  Plus, the homebrew system isn't open to the Net: I have to connect via VPN in order to get access, unlike SmartThings.)

Then there's linking the switch to the sensor with the built-in "Smart Lights" program.  That was disabled so I enabled it an it shut off the lights once, but the sensor appeared to have gone to sleep.  Getting closer, but not quite there yet.

Oh yeah, since the Pepper1 database of Z-Wave devices used by HomeGenie was shut down, as noted in the new forum, there's an alternate location to query.  I'll have to download the newer version of HomeGenie to see if they've picked up this newer site; otherwise, one can add one's own devices to a local archive.

One blog post I read when I was setting up my automation compared HomeSeer, HomeGenie, and Domoticz.  The author preferred Domoticz, but I don't like the idea of having a separate library for Z-Wave.

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