

Ever since seeing the security shutters that shops in Japan use, I've been interested in security shutters for windows at my house.  One of the roofing companies I checked out had photos on their web site of a window with real shutters, not the lame vestigal ones used on most houses these days.  That prompted me to see what I could find, and a search turned up a site with a bunch of links to various manufacturers.

Living in the upper Midwest, obviously I'm not going to have issues with hurricanes, but the functionality is similar.  One manufacturer's site that I checked, QMI, had pretty much what I was looking for.  Unfortunately, no prices are listed.

This sort of thing would be good to have for SHTF scenarios, at least for one's first floor windows.  They won't stop bullets, but it'd at least protect one of the weaker access points in the home, buying time to repel the invaders.

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