
Gun Control Commentary

I should really quit reading CNN.  My remarks:
To all the mental midgets who want to ban guns, fine: I'll destroy mine when the police and military destroy all of theirs. After all, if guns only exist to kill people, then morally speaking police and military shouldn't have them either. Or does that badge or uniform somehow magically make them better than everyone else? Oh, I know, you wanted someone to protect you so you don't have to think about doing it yourself. Now that's sheer, irresponsible laziness.

"Benevolent law enforcement" is every bit as much an idyllic myth as "benevolent government." Gun-haters are typically the naive sort who think that trusting in a class of people with special power over everyone else is actually a desirable thing. Abuse of privilege is a truism: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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