
Bye-Bye FEC

Commentary on comments in this article:
Supporters of universal health care advocate mandatory use of individual income to fund a cause that many of those individuals object to. In other words, it's theft. If UHC is such a critical issue, why not create a mandatory venue for providing care for people who can't afford it? In other words (in case you have trouble with reading comprehension), make UHC a charity that people can contribute to according to their conscience and their cash flow. Most people would agree that it's more important to take care of their own families with their incomes first. So there's a solution for you, and one that doesn't involve stealing from the public.
Who's the brilliant person in the White House, the Presidential chef?

Seriously, though, you should be happy about this. It means that Hollywood and the bevy of liberal tech CEOs (Steve Jobs of Apple and Eric Schmidt of Google come to mind) can spend their billions on their causes. Who specifically were you thinking of?

The fewer unnecessary laws, the better. We'll see how things go. SCOTUS can always reverse the decision in review of a later court case.
Hey, remember, the USA is a democratic republic, as in *Republic*an, and not a direct democracy. Hah! Also, your opinion doesn't represent that of everyone else, so keep your blanket pronouncements of disgracefulness to yourself unless you can provide a cogent reason as to why you think that is.

1 comment:

::G said...

Oops, I see that in my first comment I should've said "non-mandatory" rather than "mandatory"...UHC would be the latter.