
Political Commentary

CNN apparently only posts comments that support their political views, surprise, surprise. My reply, which of course they won't post:
Funny how typically it's white folks who cry "racism" against other white folks. Apparently it's a tactic to shut down the opposition, although I do agree that most Caucasians have no idea what racism is because they've never experienced it.

As a non-white I used to be a Republican, but the Bush-era neo-cons turned me off: they're just the other side to the same big-government, profligate-spending, rule-with-an-iron-fist Democratic coin.

I support the Tea Party folks. However, unlike the one poster opined (who needs to re-read *his* history), these modern protesters are *much* more mild than the original Tea Party crew. In the current environment, the original Tea Partiers would be called terrorists and hunted down by government agents! They were armed and destroyed a lot of property in support of their political objective, yet are heroes of American history (of course that might change due to left-wing revisionists) for standing up against political injustice. The modern-day protesters are peaceful and polite by comparison, but the symbolic connection is there.

Come on, CNN, post some balanced comments, willya?!

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