
Coharie Arms

In consideration of purchasing a "CA89" (SP89 clone) or a "CA94" (HK94 clone), I've been doing some reading. Coharie Arms is the only clone manufacturer left, apart from buying a flat and having the gun manufactured from a kit. The problem is, they're quite controversial in that a number of people are happy with their purchase while a seemingly equivalent number have had problems. Todd Bailey is at the center of the controversy, as many question the ethics of his business practices. Discussion of his products, via companies Special Weapons and Tactical Weapons, was verboten on HKPro at one point, though recently the ban has been rescinded.

HKPro post on the CA89
Another HKPro post on ordering
Bailey's comments on ordering


kuxaan-sum said...

I too have been contemplating the purchase.
Most recent ads yield a good looking exterior build/finish.
Curious as to remainder of pistol.

::G said...

The pictures on HKPro look pretty good. Enticing.

One of the hangups for me is the price. $1100-1200 for a handgun caliber is spendy, especially considering that one can get a PTR-91 for $900. Real HK-91s have gone for under $2k on GunBroker recently, too....

Were you thinking of AOW, SBR, or just leaving it as a pistol?