
Airport Security Gestapo

For some reason I found a bunch of horror stories about airport security, as well as the lack of airline customer service.

One guy's tale of horror regarding TSA and GAT Security incurred a lot of comments on both sides. Ok, so the guy should've gotten there earlier, even before the counter opened, but the security theater in letting rentacops with superiority complexes mess with your stuff completely sucks. Let people with CCW licenses carry guns onto flights: some dude stands up and yells "Allah Akbar!" and he'll fall over with ten bullets in his head. Self-regulation beats government-imposed regulation every time. But the lemmings that are the bulk of this country are too self-absorbed to care about things like freedom and civic duty.

Another guy had a microcontroller programmer confiscated because of some incompetent screeners: "Apparently, it’s not 'improvised' if it comes in a printed box."

Apparently TSA screeners think hummus is a liquid. One gem of a comment: "I'm glad I live in America, where, at least until they rescind the Bill of Rights, I can proclaim THIS ADMINISTRATION SUCKS ASS." Indeed. However, it's because Bush is a neo-con, pushing his agenda down everyone's throats. Democrats do that as a matter of course. The Republicans have fallen quite a ways. McCain's a neo-con too, so what do we have? Three presidential candidates who suck ass. Ron Paul's the only decent candidate, yet he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell because there are too many stupid people. Well, they'll reap what they sow. In the meanwhile, I'd better stock up on bullets for when the revolution comes. I mean, there are all those stupid people.

Seems like from one of those sites I picked up a link to Alex Jones's Infowars site. He's a Ron Paul advocate, so he's gotta be decent. Check out this video of Bill Clinton, linked from Infowars. Sure sounds culpable, doesn't he?

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