
Why not to use Ruby on Rails

Slashdot had a link to an article on what to and not to use Perl for. One thing was for Web applications, which I disagree with. Several other people did too, one of whom posted a link to some issues that Ruby on Rails has by one of the most prominent dev community members. The rant is rather spectacular. F-bombs and colorful metaphors all over the place. I actually sympathize with the guy's troubles. Having done Perl CGI freelance, I know that a lot of the code out there is total crap, and many of the people in the industry couldn't code to save their lives. Still, it sounds like Ruby on Rails really sucks: 400 restarts a day is very unstable. Why bother?

Dave Hall told me how cool Ruby on Rails is, but I'm glad I passed on the latest buzzword language. The Catalyst MVC framework for Perl sounds interesting. Even so, I'll probably roll my own.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ruby on Rails is still the thing for me.

Keep your cool.