
An article on Slashdot on Uneducated IT Managers, and How to Deal? Ah yes, that is the question. Some good quotes:
The A students go into teaching/academia
The B students get most of the jobs.
The C students go into / switch to management.
Well, by GPA I was an A student, but by my core classes alone, I was more like a B student. But now I'm thinking of going into business for myself, so things are getting progressively worse! Then there's this:
I was self-employed for two years, and boy was my boss a turkey! :-)
That's what I'm afraid of :-D
He had it easy. He was sleeping with the boss.
...Unfortunately, in that situation, that won't really get you anywhere ;-)
The Peter Principle would have a competent tech promoted to management, and being unable to manage his department because he's only good at being a tech. This is more like the Dilbert Principle, wherein incompetent workers are promoted to management because the competent ones are needed at the bottom to do the actual work.
That's deep work philosophy.

So the question is, is it better to have a manager who knows more about your job than you do (or did at one point), or less about tech and more about managing?

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