
CNN News, 2005.04.27

Japan rail deaths 'may be crime' - CNN seems to be omitting some details from their report that were broadcast on Japanese news, such as that the train could only go up to 120 km/hr whereas calculations show it would've taken 130 km/hr to jump the rails, and that initially the statement was made that the driver overran the station by 7 meters when in fact it was more like 40. That there were rock fragments on and around the rails is most suspicious. Since trains come and go along those tracks, it's not like a rock could've been sitting there for a long time—it would've had to have been positioned there within the space of two trains, perhaps less than 30 min.
Publisher banned from Apple stores (CNN Money) - Books published by John Wiley & Sons are banned from Apple Stores due to publication of an unauthorized biography on Steve Jobs.
Bono bunks at Bill Gates's house - I hope Bill kept his hands to himself. Or vice versa?
Girls are abusing steroids, too - Get skinny at the expense of a deep voice and small boobs ....
Huffington invites celeb friends to join blog

Are lenders getting too lenient? (CNN Money) - Are lax lending rules following the Dot-Com Bust building up a real estate bust?
First National Bank of Mom & Dad (CNN Money) - Soaring real estate prices mean sometimes kids need help from their parents.
What makes a hot zip code hot? (CNN Money)

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