Congressman Chaffetz:
I'm greatly amused by the Democrats posting negative comments to Congressman Chaffetz's report. Are they the very same Democrats who claim that Republicans are so negative in regard to proposals from their own party? As typical, hypocrisy abounds on the left. And don't these guys know that "Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit"? Since they can't make a constructive argument, they're reduced to ridicule, which requires no intellectual activity.
I'm encouraged that this freshman did the right thing and voted 'no' to the bailout provisions. He's already more responsible than most of Congress.
Good luck, Congressman Chaffetz.
Congressman Polis:
Well, Congressman Jared, I hope you'll settle in quickly and not spend too much time playing around. Your constituents should be eager to hear about real progress in place of frivolity. That's what you're paid for -- out of taxpayers' dollars!
Also, hopefully you'll uphold your oath of office and support the Constitution. Too many Democrats feel it necessary to violate it with asinine legislation, particularly the 2nd Amendment.